
Our team works hand-in-hand with other Savills
teams across the globe and have a combined
unrivalled experience at every stage in the development process.

Our development consultancy services are of
a bespoke nature, and can be tailored to each
individual client’s needs under a flexible fee
structure. We are able to assist clients across
the following stages, amongst others:

Market Research

• Knowledge of residential and tourism demand characteristics. We utilise our global research team to a great effect to analyse market conditions, investment appetite and trends
• In-depth local market research, specific to the project concept and positioning • Analysis including demand and supply dynamics and a review of the local market development context

Target Market Analysis

• International purchaser profile (where external investment is coming from and what type and specification of product these purchasers desire)
• The specific pricing thresholds of residential
sales for particular nationalities identified
• Preferred sizes, specification and amenities
• Review of proposed hotel operators and
brand awareness analysis

Project Feasibility Analysis

• Site assessment and analysis, including
advice on land assembly and acquisition
• Creation of project concept and strategy
• Development options and viability (unit mix,
size, target market, phasing, absorption and

Financial Viability

• Indicative valuation of the project and site
• Estimation of the project’s GDV, being the aggregate of the sales and capitalised income of the commercial elements of the scheme
• Indicative recommendations on the salability, and annual absorption of the scheme.
Expert driven consultancy advice feeds into
sales and marketing strategies, so as to maximise the project’s value

Development Sales & Marketing Strategy

• Programme timing and analysis of the likely
funding requirements
• Identification of the optimal market route
• Recommendations on marketing strategy,
focusing on target markets, timing, marketing materials, marketing budgets and PR

Branding Advice

Being market leaders in the branded residential
research and consultancy sectors, Savills can provide insight and recommendations on elements of brand strategy, such as:

• Brand suitability / marketability
• Sector analysis by geography, number of schemes, brand presence et al.
• Expected values derived from brand associations
• Sourcing of operators, and negotiations of
management agreements

Development Funding:

Closely integrated with our International Investment teams, we provide three business
streams that facilitate the delivery of residential

• Capital raising – Provision of debt or equity
brokerage and arrangement of new joint
ventures on a project or platform basis
• Forward commitment – Securing forward
purchase or forward funding for developments, or blocks within larger developments
• Advisory – Our expertise within the sector enables us to provide advice to developers seeking to deliver the most appropriate product and development strategy

Learn more about our Consultancy Services

Contact us to discover how our global expertise and bespoke services can guide your real estate decisions at every development stage!